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References: 1. Data on file. IQVIA. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; 2023. 2. Scemblix. Prescribing information. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. 3. Data on file. CABL001A2301 clinical study report. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; 2022. 4. Referenced with permission from the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia V.2.2024. ©National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2023. All rights reserved. Accessed January 19, 2024. To view the most recent and complete version of the guidelines, go to NCCN makes no warranties of any kind whatsoever regarding their content, use or application and disclaims any responsibility for their application or use in any way.